
Friday, February 17, 2006

Another shiny-eyed dream: "Eating food like soy beans and linseed that naturally contain oestrogen-like compounds helps prevent prostate cancer, a researcher in charge of a new Swedish study on the subject says. "We looked at men who ate a lot of soy beans, beans, linseed and berries, and the men who ate a lot of these things were less at risk of getting prostate cancer," researcher Maria Hedelin at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm told AFP today. Her research team has, over the past two years, questioned 1499 men diagnosed with prostate cancer about their eating habits and other habits then compared their answers to a poll of 1130 healthy Swedish men. Their conclusion, published today in the medical review Cancer Causes and Control, was that men who ate foods high in so-called phytoestrogens, or chemical compounds that act like oestrogen in the body, were 26 per cent less likely to develop prostate cancer. "The theory is that these phytoestrogens can protect against prostate cancer through their hormonal effect, through slowing the male hormones that appear to entail a risk of prostate cancer. They offer a better hormonal balance," Ms Hedelin said."

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